“The innovative project titled “A Composite Material Made of Waste Tire Rubber and Hemp and Its Production Method” achieved great success by winning a silver medal in the international innovation competition held within the scope of the 8th Istanbul International Invention Fair (ISIF’23).
While our valuable researchers Asst. Dr. Arife Şimşek and Prof. Dr. Selim Aytaç, who are part of the project team, made our institute proud with their work, other members of the team Assoc. Dr. Gökhan Demir, Prof. Dr. Sevim Alışır, Prof. Dr. Engin Burgaz and Assoc. Dr. Özgür Demircan also made important contributions to the project.
ISIF’23 was organized by the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office (TURKISH PATENT) in cooperation with the International Federation of Inventors’ Association (IFIA), the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the European Patent Office (EPO). The fair, where a total of 424 domestic and foreign inventions were exhibited, was held between April 27 and May 1, 2023, within the scope of the Istanbul TEKNOFEST Aviation, Space and Technology Festival.
Ondokuz Mayıs University (OMU) achieved great success by winning a total of 1 gold, 4 silver and 5 bronze medals and 1 special award at the fair. In this context, this project, to which our institute members contributed, made a difference with its environmentally friendly and sustainable approaches.